Thursday, January 24, 2013

To Mimi(s) all over the world

In "Kafka on the shore" an encounter between "Nakata"- one of the two main protagonists - and an intelligent Siamese cat called "Mimi", or as she introduces herself "Sì, mi chiamano Mimi" will change the life course of the former; thus, the book's plot 
Whether you have read the book or not, whether you have a cat or not, whether you know someone called Mimi or not, I think you should listen to this song from "La Bohème" opera at least once in your life.
Just try it. At least once. Tonight, shut the doors, the windows, close the curtains, turn off the lights and play it!

Never again will the name Mimi sound the same


Sunday, January 20, 2013

I baptise you Beethoven

Yesterday, while listening to Beethoven's Archduke trio music inspired by Kafka on the shore, this cat (which never comes to our floor) came in, sat next to me and fell asleep as fast as 123
This is 1

This is 2

This is 3

Thus let it be known by all, that starting from today, this cat which can be seen at the American University of Beirut near the Kerr I and II dorms is officially named Beethoven.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Kafka on the shore - Music theme

I adored the discussions about music in Kafka on the shore so much. Here is one of my favorite pieces discussed in the book.
Enjoy :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Kafka on the shore - Haruki Murakami

Well, Haruki Murkami is a great author and this is a very original story.
However, I got frustrated reading this book. It's way too long and the alternating stories got on my nerves (this is not the first book I read where every other chapter deals with one of the two main characters but I just can't stand this type of organization).
This book was simply not for me. Maybe it was written for people who do not have anything else in life but read. I like rich yet succint books and on the opposite it felt like I was reading a soap opera because you'd read 25 pages while all that is going on is that the characters are just driving from point A to B.
The spirits and Oedipe complex themes were not so successful in my opinion. At all! They were very brief as compared with the overall events which is very unfortunate.
I would not recommend this book and i feel like i wasted a lot of time and energy for almost nothing in return!
On the other hand I really enjoyed the parts about music.